Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Mid Week Mental Health Day...

Well, here we are again...the middle of another week in Tassie. I cannot quite believe we have been here almost a month, the time has flown! This week has seen the start of a little more structure for Olivia (and also for Mummy!). Let me tell you it is sorely needed! Monday was supposed to be our playgroup day but that didn't quite happen as I anticipated as when I arrived at the advertised location, I was told by an admin person that there was no longer a playgroup there...WHAT THE ??? Anyway, undeterred we found The Playhouse, a not for profit community run kiddie gym/play centre in Devonport. Pretty reasonably priced at just a total of $4 for a 3 hour visit. I must admit I was a little unsure whether this was exactly our thing...not sure I can put my finger on the exact reason, call it Mummy instinct! Anyway, we stayed and played and also got some info about Monday Mummys Playgroup at the Community House also in Devonport. We will give that a go next week. Tuesday saw a library visit for story time and some craft and that too was very much welcomed. Olivia even managed to sit through the stories without climbing the walls or chucking any of her very recently trademarked Miss 2.5yo tantie-pants-wobblies. Mummy had a great time channelling her inner crafter constructing a reasonable likeness of a duck from a paper plate.
This week has also seen the departure of dear dummy, with Daddy making the decision to cut Olivia off cold-turkey last Saturday. She has done so well, with only a few requests for it when she has been tired or not getting her way. We have just replaced it with extra cuddles from us and her favourite soft toys, IE "Snurf" and "Snoopy-Von-Schnitzel-Berg".  As a small compensation I took her to Kmart, a place I have barely shopped in recent years until moving here, and I purchased a stroller for her dolls...for $6!!! I couldn't believe it...moreover, it is the biggest hit and needs to be taken almost everywhere with us....mmmmm, maybe the dummy wasn't so bad afterall!
At the library (LINC Devonport) with the $6 doll stroller from Kmart

So here we are at Wednesday...honestly, the day I had been looking forward to all week given that it is Olivia's full day at her new daycare or "school" as we have taken to calling it. Now believe me when I say I LOVE my little person, I truly adore her even during the cranky moments (hers and mine). Olivia's excitement could barely be contained  this morning at drop off, as she practically RAN in, giving me a happy, quick peck as I signed her in and skipping off amongst the other little people. Is it bad to admit I nearly skipped of equally as pleased in the other direction? I think we both sensed that we each needed some was time to see other people...for one day a week at least!
Walking at the Bluff, Devonport TAS

Where did I skip to you might ask? I drove the few streets across Devonport to the Bluff, where Olivia and I have been frequenting the newly finished playground and Bluff beach, but this time with only one thing on my mind. A lovely, mind clearing, solitary walk beside the ocean. A decent walking path winds all the way from the CBD up to the Bluff interspersed with easy parking areas, exercise equipment, play and picnic areas. It was just what I needed. I even checked out the most terrific sculpture by the breakwater, a very recent addition being dedicated in March 2009. Called the Spirit of the Sea, it is a breathtaking (don't think my pics do it justice) piece that was created by Aden and Karena McCleod to reflect the connection of man, the sea and the land. There are also great views back into Devonport and further out to the Bluff and Bass Strait. A must see if you find yourself in the North West of Tasmania.

Spirit of the Sea
Devonport from the Breakwater

The Bluff Lighthouse from the Breakwater
As for the rest of my day, I had some much needed and great adult conversation and coffee with a lovely new friend (you know who you are) and just some time to do a few things without my dear sweet shadow. And as for Olivia's day...what a terrific feeling when hubby and I went together to pick her up. We snuck in and watched her playing and giggling with the other kids before she spotted us and ran beaming towards us, flinging herself into our arms in lovely fits of giggles. Here's to mid week mental health days, for both  Mums and kidlets, and the wonderful feeling of rejuvenation and sense of reinvention that they offer!
The end of a happy "school" day!

x Katie

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